HOCF creates and tailors training and nutrition plans that meet your needs. At HOCF, we understand our clients have busy days with work, school, and family duties.
HOCF is dedicated to helping you achieve your fitness and health goals with weekly email check-ins to our trainers, our trainers will change diet and nutritional plans on an as-needed basis. Weekly check-ins help our clients continue in a progressing manner towards their fitness and health goals. Reach us for lifestyle bodybuilding, meal plans and nutrition plans today, We would love to help you achieve your lifestyle goals.
Transformation in 18 Months
I was always tired with no energy and feeling disappointed in myself with no motivation, my weight was going up and I had no idea where to start. It was time for a lifestyle change and that’s when I began my journey with House of Champions weighing 168lbs. Walking into the gym for the first time was terrifying however with the help of Ian and his training program not only did I become comfortable I couldn’t wait to go back the next day. Not only was I accountable to someone but they taught me how to meal plan, eat properly and my training programming was even customized for back issues that I had. I started to see results right away which only made me even more determined to see more results, there was no stopping me I wanted so see abs. In 18 months I weighed in at 118lbs, I lost 50lbs of bodyfat and gained lean muscle and I saw abs!!!!!! I couldn’t have done it without House of Champions.